Clyde Lewis is a renowned radio talk show host and the creator of “Ground Zero,” a nationally syndicated radio program that delves into conspiracy theories, paranormal phenomena, and the unexplained. With his engaging style and deep exploration of fringe topics, Lewis captivates listeners who seek to uncover hidden truths and question mainstream narratives. “Ground Zero” has garnered a dedicated following for its thought-provoking discussions and intriguing content.
Lecture Details: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM on Mainstreet. 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM at the International UFO Museum (114 N. Main Street). 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (ABDUCTION PANEL) at the International UFO Museum
The first lecture will be with the Mainstreet Roswell Events and is free. The second lecture occurs at the Internation UFO Museum and is also free. The third lecture is a part of the ABDUCTION PANEL at the International UFO Museum and will be $5-$7.