Eastern New Mexico State Fair

The Eastern New Mexico State Fair comes to Roswell each fall and brings the largest parade in southeast New Mexico along with entertainment, rides, games and much more!
2500 SE Main St.
Roswell, NM 88202
The Eastern New Mexico State Fair has a long and proud history. Although we count 88 years from the first Chaves County Cotton Carnival in 1922, the roots of the fair began many years before that with the Southeastern New Mexico and Pecos Valley Fair Association. The purpose of the fair was to exhibit agricultural and orchard products. From the time of the Alfalfa Palace-style fairs to the Chaves County Cotton Carnival to the current day Eastern New Mexico State Fair, one thing has remained the same: the focus of the fair is community. Whether gathering to compare crop techniques, to support the youth of 4-H and FFA, or to delight in the sights, tastes, and experiences of the midway, there is something for everyone at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair.
Visit the Eastern New Mexico State Fair website for more information.