This is a Vendor Event. It’ll be a 3 day event. Feb. 10th, 11th, & 12th
It coincides with the Parent Student weekend at NMMI so Roswell will have plenty of people in town. We have been told that a lot of Parents are staying at Clarion Inn and will be looking for something to do while the students are busy with school activities. Vendors If you need to book a room for this event call Clarion Hotel and Mention that your a Vendor with the Valentine Dreamz Event and get a really good discount on the room for you and your family. Clarion will give you discount /reduced rates on standard rooms or suites.
Standard, Double, Queen & King rooms $64 a night, King Suits $84 a night.
With your $50 Performance Refund (That is almost guaranteed you’ll get back) you’ll get 1 of your nights practically for free. Also its 2 days before Valentines Day so another selling point Bring your best items for this show. Spots are limited to 30 to 34 so it’ll be first come first serve statice! So get your Vendor Application returned as soon as you can.
10×10 spots $200 = ($150 per spot + $50 Performance Refund)
10×20 spots $350 = ($300 per spot + $50 Performance Refund)
Pair up with another vendor, and save.
Vendors Application for the 3 day Valentine Dreamz Craft Event are available at: “” in the discussion section. This is Not a Juried Event!!! ALL Vendors welcome. Come and show what your Talent and Hobbies can create! Get your application filled out and send it to me as soon as you can to save your spot.
Email me Joey Uranga:
Call or Text 575-444-7726
Sara Dominguez 575-910-9727
Dmgz Customz
AMAZON Professional Mobile DJ Service